Book List In Order & By Series

posted on February 10, 2013 by Catherine Mann

With the ebook market now making my entire backlist available, more people than ever have been asking for information on not just which books are in a series, but also where they may be crossover characters from different series. So I’ve comprised an simple code list, as you’ll see below. My website dude and I are working on a fancier version for the “books” page on my website, but for now, this gets the job done!
CATHERINE MANN Book List – In order, with series key
First symbol after a book indicates primary series the characters come from. If there’s a second symbol after a book, that means the book is part of a series, but also has crossover characters from another series. No symbol after the title means the book is not a part of one of my ongoing series. FMI on each book, check out the books page on my website:

Series Symbols:
# Wingmen Warriors
@ Special Ops
% Dark Ops
+ Beachcombers
$ Landis Brothers
& Rich, Rugged & Royal
= Elite Force
~ Alpha Brotherhood

Wedding at White Sands
Grayson’s Surrender #
Taking Cover #
Under Siege #
Cinderella Mission
Private Maneuvers #
Strategic Engagement #
Anything, Anywhere, Anytime #
Joint Forces #
A Soldier’s Christmas #
Explosive Alliance #
Code of Honor @ #
The Captive’s Return #
Awaken to Danger #
Baby, I’m Yours + #
Blaze of Glory @
Touched By Love/More Than Words 3
Fully Engaged #
Under the Millionaire’s Influence +
On Target @
Bet Me
Holiday Heroes # $
The Executive’s Surprise Baby
Out of Uniform #
Rich Man’s Fake Fiancée $ +
His Expectant Ex $
Defender %
Hotshot %
Propositioned Into a Foreign Affair
Millionaire In Command $
Bossman’s Baby Scandal
Renegade %
Touched by Love reissue/Stories of Hope
Tycoon Takes a Wife $ &
Winning It All
Cover Me =
The Maverick Prince & $
His Thirty Day Fiancée & $
His Heir, Her Honor & $
Acquired: CEO’s Small Town Bride
Billionaire’s Jet Set Babies #
Hot Zone =
Protector %
Under Fire =
Honorable Intentions # $
Guardian %
Dog Tags/Love Bites
An Inconvenient Affair ~
Rescuing Christmas #
All or Nothing ~
Dog Tags/Love Bites reissue (Coming Feb. 26, 2013)
The Executive’s Surprise Baby (reissue – coming Feb 26, 2013)
Free Fall = (March 2013)
Playing for Keeps ~ (April 2013)
Yuletide Baby Surprise ~ (Coming October 2013)
For the Sake of Their Son ~ (Coming January 2014)