Book Winners! (And iPod question :-)

posted on June 1, 2009 by Catherine Mann

Hey there! I’m so jazzed at all the entries for my weeklong book giveaway contest! Most excellent! Seven lucky winners will be receiving their designated book along with the bonus of an autographed copy of one of my books as well. Winners have been notified and books are in the mail. Here’s a rundown of the winners….

Ruth B from MA won Jennifer Blake’s book.
Angela D from VA won Anna DeStefano’s book.
Crystal B from KY won Leanne Banks’ book.
Ellen M from TX won Debbie Guisti’s book.
Laurie G from WI won Joanne Rock’s book.
Jane C from NY won Linda Conrad’s book.
Kim W from IL won Jennifer St. Giles’ book.

Congratulations!! And thanks again to everyone for entering. I’ll be giving away more books very soon. 🙂

Sooooo, my question for the day, when you’re enjoying your summer reads at the beach, by the pool or even curled up on a lawn chair in your own yard, what’s loaded on your iPod?