Bossman’s Baby Scandal

posted on October 12, 2009 by Catherine Mann

The Ad Man…

Nothing had stopped Jason Reagert from making his own millions.  And now that he was securely ensconced at Maddox Communications, he was determined to become an even bigger success.  Then startling news broke and Jason – along with everyone else – discovered he had gotten heiress Lauren Presley pregnant. He couldn’t afford even a whiff of scandal, so he proposed to his lover of one night.  Surely she’d agree to a lifetime of convenience, if only for the baby’s sake.


“You’ll laugh and cry as this enchanting couple’s relationship shifts from a quick marriage to the possibility of a lasting relationship.  Mann has a winner!” –Romantic Times BOOKclub Top Pick!

“A powerful and emotional tale… If you had to pick up one book for some pure reading enjoyment, then I highly recommend you make BOSSMAN’S BABY SCANDAL your choice – a perfect 10!” –Romance Reviews Today

“BOSSMAN’S BABY SCANDAL gives a reader exactly what they hope to find when they pick up this book. Characters with depth steeped in reality that is relatable, internal conflict that doesn’t seem contrived, lovin’ action to break out the fans and cold showers and a happy ever after which is endearingly saucy. I love what they do with basting brushes.” –Long and Short Reviews

“The sexual chemistry sizzles…I enjoyed so much about this very short book… I will definitely look for future books by the author.” –All About Romance Reviews

“Realistic dilemmas are perfectly entwined with heartfelt passions to create stories which touch your heart and fuel your imagination… Ms. Mann delivers once again! BOSSMAN’S BABY SCANDAL is a romance overflowing with genuine warmth and blazing desires plus unforgettable characters.” –Cataromance Reviews

“Bossman’s Baby Scandal is yet more proof that Catherine Mann has earned her loyal following. Once again, this seasoned author comes through and serves up characters that sink their hooks in right away and make us want to follow them.” –A Novel Romance Reviews