Cathy’s Charities – Name a Rescue Puppy!

posted on February 12, 2018 by Catherine Mann

Need the perfect Valentine gift? Or honor a special friend? Or would you like to help out a rescue pup, but not sure how? Consider buying naming rights to a very special litter of rescue pups – only $25 to choose the name for a puppy in a rescue! Read on for details. (The puppies are currently 2 weeks old and their eyes just opened! Hello, world!)

I’m an avid supporter of the Sunshine State Animal Rescue in Florida, a 501(c)(3) non-profit. They are an all volunteer group, and all the animals in their care are in foster homes. They recently rescued a pregnant mama dog from the rubble in an abandoned building. Shortly thereafter, the mama dog gave birth to 9 puppies. The care for such a large litter will be expensive for the rescue, thus my decision for this naming rights fundraiser to help offset some of the cost!

Here’s how the “Name a Pup” fundraiser will work. Donate $25 either to the rescue directly via PayPal using their e-mail address or call the rescue’s vet clinic directly – Emerald Coast Animal Hospital in Fort Walton Beach, Florida (850) 243-5080 to donate the $25. In the PayPal payment or in your call to the vet, reference “Naming Birdie’s Babies.” The first 9 people to donate will get to name one of Birdie’s puppies. (Hold off on suggesting names until we have the list of donators. 🙂 If more than 9 people donate (wouldn’t that be awesome?!), then the additional donators will get to name a future dog/puppy in the rescue. Once you’ve made the donation, PLEASE be sure to e-mail when and how you donated so they can contact you to name a pup. They’ll then send you a photo of the puppy you get to name and the puppy’s gender.

I’ll post a list of the names and the puppies’ photos on my blog and on Facebook once the names are all settled. Thank you so much for helping make it possible for groups like the Sunshine State Animal Rescue able to touch more lives!!

FMI on the Sunshine State Animal Rescue, visit their website and/or their Facebook page.