Hey there!
Are you interested in becoming a member of the Catherine Mann Street Team? Curious about just what the heck a street team is? If so, here’s the scoop! The street team term came from rock group fans who spread the word to help their favorite groups make bestseller charts. Over time, other types of artists – such as authors – have taken on the street team concept.
Our Street Team mission is basically to spread the word about my books. Word of mouth is always the best, imho. And if that’s all you’re into doing – chatting with or emailing friends about my books – that’s fantastic! I’m hugely grateful!
Although, Street Team members have not only my gratitude, but also the opportunity to win a few perks.
* An invitation to my Facebook Street Team page where we chat about everything from how best to get the word out to personal chitchat among friends. I also post random Street Team insider tidbits about my characters and or early peeks at excerpts.
* A chance to win autographed books in special drawings for Street Team members only.
* Drawings for various swag items like pens, pencils, notepads, t-shirts, tote bags, pet scarves, dog tags, etc.
* A chance to name a character in my next book.
Here are things you can to help once you’re a Catherine Mann Street Team member – whatever is within your comfort zone. Even if you pick just one or two, that’s cool. Consider that your niche!
* Chat about books and share promo materials with friends & family, especially during release week for the latest book. An active street team can put a book on a bestseller list!
* Post online! Pick your favorite venues. Everyone can’t be everywhere, but between us we can cover all the bases. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, etc. Again, this is especially important during release week!
* Share your (honest) review of my latest book on Amazon, Barnes&Noble.com and Goodreads. The review doesn’t have to be long. Encourage your friends to do the same. Online reviews are more important than you might imagine. (Amazon/B & N reviews can’t be posted until the book comes out, but Goodreads allows early reviews.)
* Take bookmarks to your local stores and share them with booksellers – or place them in the books at Walmart/Target/etc.
* If my latest book isn’t on the shelf at your local book store, ask a bookseller to order it. And if it is on the shelf, could you make sure it isn’t hidden behind a towering display of Hunger Games toys? (Or if in Walmart, make sure it isn’t blocked by a rack of flip flops, please!)
* Take bookmarks to your local reader group, writer group or RWA Chapter to share with other members.
* As time permits, chime in when I’m doing a blog tour.
* Do you have a special talent you’d like to share? Some street team members enjoy making meme’s or fun little graphics about an author’s books (ie a photo of your dog with a meme saying about one of my books on the shelves – or with a snippet of dialogue – could go viral!
It’s easy to join! Either Email me at the address below, or send me a message on Facebook – Catherine Mann (Author) – and I’ll add you to the official Street Team page. For joining, you’ll receive a welcome packet with bookmarks and some autographed swag.
Thanks so much to all my readers, fans, pals, Street Team members! I am more grateful than I can say for your cheers, support and friendship!!
Happy Reading,
Catherine Mann