May 2011 Newsletter

posted on May 27, 2011 by Catherine Mann

Hi!  It’s looking like a joyfully busy summer!  Lots going on with booksignings and book releases.  So I’ll get right to the details!  FYI, if any of the links below get garbled in cyber translation, the newsletter will also be posted on the blog section of my website at  and in the discussion section of my facebook page at Catherine Mann (author).

Tuesday, June 28, from 5:30–7:30 p.m. at the New York Marriott Marquis in Times Square, Broadway Ballroom, NYC.  Over 400 authors signing!  All proceeds go to Pro Literacy Worldwide and their local NYC partner, ACE New York.

Tuesday, July 12, from 11:00-1:00, The Book Rack, 29E Miracle Strip Parkway Southwest,
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548.  (850) 243-8020.  For those who would like to visit afterward, we will convene across the street at The Crab Shack once the booksigning ends.  If you would like to join in afterward, send me an e-mail at so I can get a head count.

Saturday, July 16, from noon-2:00, Eglin AFB Base Exchange on Eglin AFB (near Ft. Walton Beach, FL)

~*~*~JUNE BOOK~*~*~
In June, I hope you’ll be on the look out for my book ACQUIRED: CEO’S SMALL TOWN BRIDE, Harlequin Desire.  It’s the last book in a 6-book continuity (although it can be read as a stand alone.)  If you’re interested in tracking down the other books first, here’s a list of the entire series, all still available online.

“The Takeover” series (first 5 books include a short story by Catherine Mann):
Book 1 – Claimed: The Pregnant Heiress by Day Leclaire (January 2011)
Book 2 – Seduced: The Unexpected Virgin by Emily McKay (February 2011)
Book 3 – Revealed: His Secret Child by Sandra Hyatt (March 2011)
Book 4-  Bought: His Temporary Fiancee by Yvonne Lindsay (April 2011)
Book 5 – Exposed: Her Undercover Millionaire by Michelle Celmer (May 2011)
Book 6 – Acquired: CEO’s Small Town Bride by Catherine Mann (June 2011)

Reviewers have this to say about my ACQUIRED: CEO’S SMALL TOWN BRIDE!

“Mann’s neat wrap-up of the Takeover series is a juicy foray into high school romance and adult responsibilities, with a tantalizing couple and a startling climax. ” –Romantic Times (4 1/2 Stars!)

“A sensual, beautiful tale.. Catherine Mann has once again penned a fabulous story… Don’t miss this captivating read.” –Romance Reviews Today

~*~*~JULY BOOK~*~*~
My new “Elite Force” military series debuts in July with COVER ME, Sourcebooks Casablanca!   Book 2 (HOT ZONE) will be out in December, and book 3 (UNDER FIRE) will be out in May 2012.

Rocking reviews are already coming in!

“Mann delivers plenty of thrills and charged erotic situations with this first in a new series featuring pararescue men, elite U.S. Air Force heroes ready for tense ‘land, sea, or mountain, military missions or civilian rescue’ around the globe… bracing thriller with a strong-willed heroine and sensitive, hard-bodied hero.” –Publishers Weekly

“This summer sizzler set in Alaska is one cool romantic read. It has intrigue, a bad guy, a super good guy and a kick-butt Sunny Foster. For romantic suspense readers who love tough-as-nail women partnered with military heroes, Mann’s Elite Force series is for you.” –Romantic Times Reviews Magazine, (4 1/2 stars TOP PICK!)

“Adventure and suspense are the hallmarks of Mann’s award-winning military romances, and this first book in the Elite Force series won’t disappoint her many fans.” –Booklist Reviews

To learn more about COVER ME, visit my website at: and be sure to check out my video book trailer for COVER ME. 

Check out my website for details on my latest contest where I’m giving away all six books in “The Takeover” series!  Contest ends May 31, 2011.


As always, feel free to share this newsletter with anyone, anywhere, anytime…

Wishing everyone a blessed and safe Memorial Day weekend!

Catherine Mann, USA Today Best Seller
ACQUIRED: CEO’S SMALL TOWN BRIDE, Harlequin Desire, June 2011
COVER ME, “Elite Force Bk 1,” Sourcebooks, July 2011
BILLIONAIRE’S JET SET BABIES, Harlequin Desire, Oct. 2011
IRRESISTIBLY HIS, Harlequin Showcase, Nov. 2011
HOT ZONE, “Elite Force Bk 2,” Sourcebooks, Dec. 2011
Video Book Trailer for COVER ME:
All links can also be found on my website.