Monday Contest! Rogue’s Salute

posted on May 25, 2009 by Catherine Mann

Greetings! May has been a busy, busy month for me with three books to promote! And thanks to all of you, I have much to celebrate!

*PROPOSITIONED INTO A FOREIGN AFFAIR made #1 on the Borders’ Series Best Seller List!! If you haven’t picked it up yet, it’s still on shelves along with the other May Silhouette Desires.

*The first two books in my “Dark Ops” flyboy series have held steady through April and May with great amazon rankings and have also popped up on Bookscan’s Top 100 – yay! DEFENDER and HOTSHOT are both still on shelves at your local Borders, Books-A-Million, Barnes and Noble and some Walmarts. And as always you can find them all on line.

*To thank you all for the continued support of my stories, I’m running a contest here on my blog, giving away a book a day (books written by authors pals of mine), starting today, Monday, May 25, 2009. Today, I’m giving away an autographed copy of ROGUE’S SALUTE by the awesome Jennifer Blake! ( ) To enter, simply send an e-mail to In the e-mail header type “Jennifer Blake Contest” and in you e-mail, be sure to include your snail mail address so I can send your prize. The winner will be chosen at random tomorrow.

Check back Tuesday for the next book giveaway!