Wednesday Contest! Trouble in High Heels

posted on May 27, 2009 by Catherine Mann

Next contest…. ๐Ÿ™‚ Today’s giveaway is an autographed copy of Leanne Banks’ sassy, fun contemporary TROUBLE IN HIGH HEELS. To enter, send an e-mail to In header, write “Leanne Banks Contest” and in the e-mail include your snail mail address. (All winner’s will be chosen at random when my week-long contest ends.)

Don’t you just love Leanne’s title – TROUBLE IN HIGH HEELS? I have to confess to be a shoe addict. I love, love, love to accessorize with funky shoes – usually different sandals since we live on the beach. But since I have so many kids, I really have to bargain shop. Just yesterday, I found the most adorable pair of gold sandals with chunky red stones along the top – great with jeans. Soooo, what’s your guilty pleasure shopping item?